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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Generous Heart

     With Mother's Day approaching here in a couple of days I decided what better time than now to talk about one of the most beautiful things I've witnessed. A mother's generous heart. The generous heart of a mother is like no other. Let me show you what I mean...

      A mother is the one who stays up all night beside the toilet with her sick child.

     A mother is the one who cheers the loudest at her son's baseball game.

     A mother is the one who always makes the best food.

     A mother is the one with open arms to run into whenever you're sad.

     A mother is the one who cleans and cleans just so her family will feel at home.

     A  mother is the one who gives her body to the beauty of bringing a child into the world.

     A mother dedicates her whole life to something that brings much frustration, pain, and tears because she knows that the good will FAR outweigh the bad.

     Let's just take a moment to let that sink in. To let it sink in how much exactly our moms do for us. Oh my goodness! It's incredible! I'm convinced they're super heroes! I mean, c'mon, how else could they do all they do and so well.

     But you know what I've noticed? Generosity towards mothers is a lot harder to find... How often do we say thank you to them for all they've done? As a matter of fact, how often does society thank mothers for all they do? Often times we run from the table never bothering to thank her for the amazing food she made. When our laundry sits folded on our bed, it doesn't even cross our minds we should be thankful. When the house is clean when we come home from work we sit there and enjoy it, but don't worry about opening our mouths. 

     There's many other things I could mention yet too, but the reason I chose these were because these are the very things we most often forget to thank them for. These are the things they have labored over, and then in the end they very often don't even get as much as a "thank you" from us.

     I unfortunately, like many others, have taken part in this ungratefulness way too often in my lifetime. So today I want to encourage us all to start living with a generous heart, especially towards our moms. They have done so much for us! The least we could do is say "Thank you!". 

     But let's go beyond just saying how thankful we are and start showing it too. There's so many little things, and big things, we could be doing to show our moms we appreciate them. Let's start celebrating them. Not just on Mother's Day, but all year round. They deserve to be celebrated!

     So in conclusion I want to applaud all the moms and just let you know that we love you! Life without you would not be the same! You are very important to us, and we're sorry that we don't let you know more often! Keep on being awesome, because that is what you are! 

Happy Mother's Day!!!! 

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