Blog Archive

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Bit About Me


     Hey everyone, since my last post may have left you feeling like you were hanging off of the edge of a cliff I will try to make up for it in this post. Haha. Today I'm giving you the chance to get to know me better. As well, you may be wondering what the picture above is all about... I got nominated by a beautiful friend of mine, Tracey from, to answer some random questions as well as give all of you a chance to answer some questions I put out for you. I'd love to get to know you, my followers. So first I'll give you a short introduction of myself, and then I'll answer the questions. Here goes!

    I am a...
  •     Pursuer of Jesus
  •     Lover of horses
  •     Valuer of friendships
  •     History nut
  •     Popcorn fanatic
  •     BBQ sauce enthusiast
  •     Home school graduate
  •     Netflix "addict"
  •     Traveler
  •     Firstborn who takes her role very seriously

     Alright, now for the questions.

1. Introvert or extrovert?
     Introvert. I need to be around people too, but I'm also totally fine by myself for hours at a time.

2. Do you like coffee?
     No, in fact I think it's gross. *cough* However I have started liking cold coffee drinks lately, so maybe that's one step closer to drinking it hot. Who knows...

3. What are you reading right now?
     DNA of Relationships by Dr. Gary Smalley. It is one of the best books I've read. I have learned so many life-changing principles through the book already.

4. Favorite fairy tale?
     I didn't grow up with the classic fairy tales, so even though I really like Cinderella, I must say that Merida from Brave (I love Scotland), and Rapunzel from Tangled (Flynn Rider is pretty awesome), are my two favorite princesses.

5. Favorite ice cream flavor?
     Chocolate all the way!

6. Favorite animal?
     As I mentioned above, horses are my favorite animal. There is nothing as beautiful and breathtaking as a horse, nothing as majestic as a galloping horse, and nothing as sweet as watching a mother with her foal. And I strongly believe that horses have an incredible way of connecting to the human heart. It's like they're God's direct tool to help us sort out our emotions. Quite simply put, I think the horse is the most wonderful creature God created.

7. Favorite flower?
     Oh, this is a hard one... Tulips and Daisies are some of my favorites, but Lavenders are even closer to the top. But my absolute favorite are wildflowers! My heart rate increases every time I see them because of their beauty.

8. Favorite TV show?
     This one makes me laugh. As I mentioned earlier, Netflix and I are pretty tight so I'm between about five to ten TV shows right now. So I just watch whatever I'm in the mood for, making it difficult to say which one is my favorite... But I think I'll go with Psych. It's a show my brother and I are watching together, and it is absolutely hilarious! Plus it's a detective show - those are always my favorite.

9. Describe your everyday makeup, if you wear any.
     I only wear makeup on special occasions, and even then it's minimal. I wear lipstick, eye shadow, and concealer. I find mascara, and well I guess makeup in general insanely uncomfortable. But I do still like to wear it occasionally. I do have  a confession to make though about makeup. One of the biggest reasons why I don't wear any is because I don't have the patience to apply it.

10. What song is playing in your head right now?
     Well, I currently have my earphones in my ear listening to music, so this one's easy. Crescent Valley by Longlake. It's one of the most beautiful instrumental songs I've ever heard.

     And here's the new questions for you ladies to answer down in the comment section. You can answer one, some, or all of them - whatever you prefer. Have fun!

1. Favorite sport?
2. What book world would you like to live in?
3. Favorite chick flick?
4. Favorite subject?
5. Favorite fruit?
6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
7. Favorite Disney Princess?
8. Favorite season?
9. Favorite flower?
10. Favorite singer?


  1. Oh, this is so you! :D (Thanks for linking to my blog, by the way.) "DNA of Relationships"--now that sounds like an interesting read. And YAY FOR FLYNN RIDER. XD He's the best.

    Your list of questions is really tempting...instead of doing a blog post, I feel like just answering briefly here for the fun of it...
    1. None. XD (Okay, baseball can be fun...)
    2. My own, called Alewar
    3. Pride and Prejudice ;)
    4. History or English
    5. Berries in general
    6. UK, specifically England
    7. Belle, Cinderella, or Rapunzel
    8. Spring
    9. Maybe lilies?
    10. Ahhh, don't do this to me! Can I pick more than one? *puppy dog eyes* Let's call that a yes. Okay, so Anthem Lights, Adam Young (as in, Owl City), and I really liked Ellie Goulding's voice on the Divergent soundtrack (although I don't listen to her actual music).

    Great post, Wynonah! Looking forward to more!

  2. Hey, I loved hearing from you Tracey! And it was my pleasure linking to your blog. You're just that great ;) I highly recommend DNA of Relationships - it's quite the book of discovery. And I'm with you. Picking favorites can get insanely difficult sometimes!
